News — detox

Brad King
Cellular Energy: The Key to Health, Vitality, and Longevity

Cellular Energy: The Key to Health, Vitality, and Longevity

Cellular energy is the backbone of life, and without it, well… nothing really works. So let’s dive into what cellular energy is, how it’s produced, and how two powerful nutrients—CoQ10 and shilajit—can help you keep your energy engines running efficiently for a longer, healthier life.

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Nourishing Aging Bodies: Understanding Nutritional Needs as We Grow Older

Nourishing Aging Bodies: Understanding Nutritional Needs as We Grow Older

Contrary to popular belief, cholesterol is not necessarily the enemy it has been portrayed to be. Adequate cholesterol levels are vital for hormonal health, brain function, and cell membrane integrity.

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The Ketogenic Path: Exploring Health Effects of Low-Carb Ketone Production

The Ketogenic Path: Exploring Health Effects of Low-Carb Ketone Production

Ketones are a more efficient energy source than glucose, providing more energy per unit of oxygen consumed

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humic and fulvic acid, fulvic acid, shilajit, humic and fulvic acid supplement, joint health, energy, immune, gut health, perfect supplement, fulvic, humic

Embracing the Primordial Nutritional Boost: Humic and Fulvic Acids - Brad King, MS, MFS

"Some humic and fulvic acid reserves contain upwards of 77 trace minerals in their highly effective organic form, acting as nature's unparalleled multi-mineral supplement."

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