Brad King, MS, MFS When you think about love and happiness, your gut probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But what if I told you that a handful of tiny microbes living in your digestive tract could help brighten your mood, deepen your connections with others, and even make you feel more loving? Enter Lactobacillus reuteri and other gut-friendly bacteria. These “happy bugs” do more than digest food—they actively communicate with your brain through neurochemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin[1]. Here’s the scoop on how they work, why they’re missing in many of us, and how...
When it comes to burning your pesky body fat, think of Yerba Mate as your personal trainer – only it’s in a cup or a pill, and its way cheaper. The actives in this magical plant amp up your metabolism.
The linchpin in this bioenergetic process is a remarkable cell type known as brown fat. Unlike its better-known counterpart, white fat, which stores energy, brown fat is a veritable metabolic furnace that creates energy by literally incinerating your body’s fat stores.
This is a great supplement with lots of trace minerals and humic and fulvic acids, much like shilajit. Energizing and health-promoting, highly recommend it! Easy to add to smoothies.