Cellular energy is the backbone of life, and without it, well… nothing really works. So let’s dive into what cellular energy is, how it’s produced, and how two powerful nutrients—CoQ10 and shilajit—can help you keep your energy engines running efficiently for a longer, healthier life.
Contrary to popular belief, cholesterol is not necessarily the enemy it has been portrayed to be. Adequate cholesterol levels are vital for hormonal health, brain function, and cell membrane integrity.
People who get less sleep are more likely to catch a cold, but it turns out that these individuals also experience more systemic inflammation[6]. Though it's not proven exactly why reduced sleep causes inflammation, scientists believe that a lack of sleep triggers excess pro-inflammatory signals in our blood vessels
The linchpin in this bioenergetic process is a remarkable cell type known as brown fat. Unlike its better-known counterpart, white fat, which stores energy, brown fat is a veritable metabolic furnace that creates energy by literally incinerating your body’s fat stores.
This is a great supplement with lots of trace minerals and humic and fulvic acids, much like shilajit. Energizing and health-promoting, highly recommend it! Easy to add to smoothies.