News — leafsource

The Evolving Landscape of Heart Disease: Beyond LDL Cholesterol (Part 2)

The Evolving Landscape of Heart Disease: Beyond LDL Cholesterol (Part 2)

Brad King MS, MFS  In the realm of cardiovascular health, the winds of change are reshaping our understanding of heart disease risk factors. Traditionally, high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol were considered the primary villain in the narrative of cardiovascular disease. However, recent research has begun to draw the curtain back on a more complex scene, revealing actors that play roles equally, if not more, critical in the development of heart disease: insulin resistance, C-reactive protein (CRP), and the nuanced world of LDL particle size. The Unseen Culprits: Insulin Resistance and CRP Insulin resistance, a condition where cells in...

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Inflammation, Stress, Sleep & Your Immune System

Inflammation, Stress, Sleep & Your Immune System

 People who get less sleep are more likely to catch a cold, but it turns out that these individuals also experience more systemic inflammation[6]. Though it's not proven exactly why reduced sleep causes inflammation, scientists believe that a lack of sleep triggers excess pro-inflammatory signals in our blood vessels

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The Ketogenic Path: Exploring Health Effects of Low-Carb Ketone Production

The Ketogenic Path: Exploring Health Effects of Low-Carb Ketone Production

Ketones are a more efficient energy source than glucose, providing more energy per unit of oxygen consumed

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Ashwagandha, What’s all the Buzz About?

Topping the adaptogen charts is an incredible plant called Ashwagandha, often hailed as the king of this regal group. However, a word of caution - not all Ashwagandha supplements are born equal. Their efficacy hinges upon the presence of active substances, namely withanolides

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