News — OxidativeStress

Nourishing Aging Bodies: Understanding Nutritional Needs as We Grow Older

Nourishing Aging Bodies: Understanding Nutritional Needs as We Grow Older

Contrary to popular belief, cholesterol is not necessarily the enemy it has been portrayed to be. Adequate cholesterol levels are vital for hormonal health, brain function, and cell membrane integrity.

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methylation vitamin b bcomplex b vitamins vitamin b6 vitamin b12 folic acid melthylfolate 5-mthf homocystine heart disease stroke DNA damage cancer depression chronic fatigue anxiety ADHD insomnia fibromyalgia

Understanding Methylation - Unveiling the Mystery of Nutrient Utilization

When methylation goes wrong, or is unable to occur at all, it's like throwing a wrench into a into the gears of a well-oiled machine. In other words, without methylation, optimal health is impossible to obtain.

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Unlock the Secret to Youthful Vitality: How Your Cooking Techniques Can Slow Down Aging

Unlock the Secret to Youthful Vitality: How Your Cooking Techniques Can Slow Down Aging

Learn how a process called glycation can prematurely age your body from the inside out, and how your cooking habits may be contributing to this process. Find out what you can do to prevent premature aging and maintain your youth from the inside out.

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