News — Immune

Are Probiotics Responsible for Your Happiness?  The Surprising Gut-Brain Connection

Are Probiotics Responsible for Your Happiness? The Surprising Gut-Brain Connection

Brad King, MS, MFS   When you think about love and happiness, your gut probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But what if I told you that a handful of tiny microbes living in your digestive tract could help brighten your mood, deepen your connections with others, and even make you feel more loving? Enter Lactobacillus reuteri and other gut-friendly bacteria. These “happy bugs” do more than digest food—they actively communicate with your brain through neurochemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin[1]. Here’s the scoop on how they work, why they’re missing in many of us, and how...

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Inflammation, Stress, Sleep & Your Immune System

Inflammation, Stress, Sleep & Your Immune System

 People who get less sleep are more likely to catch a cold, but it turns out that these individuals also experience more systemic inflammation[6]. Though it's not proven exactly why reduced sleep causes inflammation, scientists believe that a lack of sleep triggers excess pro-inflammatory signals in our blood vessels

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Brad King
Protect You and Your Family This Cold Season, flu, covid, runny nose, mucus, fever, natural cold remedy

Protect Yourself and Your Family This Cold Season - Tips and Products

Immunity and the Fantastic 4 Brad King, MFS, MS   Immunity is your first-line of defense that helps prevent disease-causing pathogens from causing harm to your body. It is a multi-faceted system and as long as it is given what it needs to function optimally, you should be fully protected. Your skin is your first defender, as it keeps pathogens from entering the body on contact, followed by mucus, which helps trap the pathogens, stomach acid helps to destroy them, and our sweat creates anti-bacterial components. If all of these areas fail and a threat makes its way into our...

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